

7 Sep 2018 | News

Hello and welcome to MESENCORE®’s Blog!

Hi there! 

If your summer has been as good time to relax and thought as mine, you are back to work with plenty of ideas and projects in your mind, like home transformations, giving a second life to your business or giving to your co-workers a better life at work…

Anyway you have such good resolutions, but where to start?

Don’t panic!!!

You are in the right place, follow this blog…

You will find there a lot of information and advices through 3 recurring columns : 

« Focus on »

This column is dedicated to interior design and decoration trends. You will discover styles , design and material news, seasonal colors trends…

« Backstage »

This column is about the hidden side of interior design projects, the different steps, and I will give you tips and ideas…

« News »

This column is turned on different topics where interior design offer a clever answer. I will talk about life at home and life at work, companies and shops, …

Please keep an eye on, soon the first article is coming out!

See you soon!


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